
Send Text Notifications to Your Audience

Whether it’s in the form of product updates, account information, or marketing reminders, DYL has you covered. Keep your audiences up to date.
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How Text Notifications Work

In today’s world, consumers are constantly on their phones. Whether to buy products, find a new service provider, or receive company promotions, people turn to their phones before any other means.

As the #1 choice for consumers, this makes communicating with leads and clients through text messaging essential for any business.
DYL Advanced Workflows
  • 1. Reach Your Audience Faster with Text Notifications

  • 2. SMS Marketing Campaigns are More Targeted

  • 3. Cultivating a Successful Marketing Plan

  • 4. Additional Features
Phone calls may go unanswered and emails may sit in the inbox for days, but text notifications have a 99% open rate.

From product updates to appointment reminders, SMS is the preferred method of contact for consumers.

More and more companies are turning to business text messaging to stay in touch and build relationships with their clients.

Learn more about text notifications below.
DYL Workflows Dashboard DYL Workflows Dashboard

Reach Your Audience Faster with Text Notifications

Business text messages have a 99% open rate and consumers have overwhelmingly chosen SMS as their preferred choice for receiving account updates and product promotions.

So if your company doesn’t use SMS for its marketing, you’re missing out on the highest engaging medium in today’s marketplace.

As part of DYL’s all-in-one platform, our Text Notifications feature can be used by your sales team to nurture leads within their sales workflows, your customer service team to share valuable PDFs for assistance, and your marketing team to share brochures and case studies.

Who needs Text Notifications? Business owners looking to engage with prospects and customers to build interest and loyalty.
DYL Advanced Workflows

SMS Marketing Campaigns are More Targeted

Text Notifications can be used for appointment reminders, limited time promotions, product updates, new contests, changes to customer accounts, and anything else you can imagine.

Whether you’re sending to just one person or large groups, nothing has a better reach than text messaging.

And with DYL, you can send text messages from your desktop straight to their phones. Best of all, text notifications are just one of the 80 features built into DYL’s all-in-one platform.

Automate your communication and schedule your marketing to reach more people with greater efficiency.

Text notifications are perfect for sales teams wanting to follow-up with prospects and help them along their buyer’s journey.
DYL Advanced Workflows
DYL Advanced Workflows

Cultivating a Successful Marketing Plan

Due to the country’s shift in living a healthier lifestyle, Pomegranates and More, a company specializing in seasonal gift baskets, saw a welcome resurgence.

As such, Founder Emily Stadler, wanted to take advantage of this recent wave by equipping franchise owners with a way to keep new customers informed of upcoming products and special offers.

Up until now, the only marketing tools they had included a website and email newsletter.

Meanwhile, competitors were discovering the power of text alerts, notifications and reminders.

So to expand their reach and generate more customer engagement, Emily looked for a single platform that would enable them to communicate with prospects and customers using phone, email and text on a consistent basis.

The solution she found was DYL’s Text Notifications.

During a live demo, Emily saw how her owners could use DYL’s text alerts to share updates and new product announcements with her customers as well as nurture prospects with special offers to join the club’s membership.

Ultimately, it was the flexibility to scale that sold Emily on DYL. And to share her excitement, she sent all her franchisees a text notification of the exciting times up ahead

DYL’s All-in-One Platform includes over 80 Customizable Features

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