
The sales automation software that converts leads to paying customers without human intervention

Automate all client communication, from call, text, email and fax
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Texting Automation
Pipeline Automation
Call Campaigns
Sales Reports


Companies use DYL


Users of DYL


Earned by our customers


Years as an industry leader

Monitor ongoing calls and hold staff accountable

Easily see what your staff are doing at any time. Listen in on client calls or speak with the customer when you want.
DYL Advanced Workflows
DYL Advanced Workflows

Track, score, and convert leads with automation

From the moment a lead enters your database all the way to the moment they become a customer, we have you covered. Automation never felt better.
DYL Workflows Dashboard

Get the freedom you’ve always wanted

Generate new leads, earn higher revenue, and save money in productivity
Get Started
VoIP Phones

Be anywhere in the world. Instant access with just a computer and internet connection.

Automatic Call Distribution

Direct calls to another phone or department without human intervention.

Call Monitoring

Listen to live calls so you can hold employees accountable and ensure they're performing best.


Automatically call, text, and email audiences who were previously interested in your product.

Email Automation

Reuse email marketing templates to send thousands of emails to contacts in minutes.

Customer Software

Discover each action a lead has taken at every step of their customer journey.

Why Customers Love DYL


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326 Reviews

Frequently Asked Questions

DYL is a VoIP and Sales Automation platform that serves over 6,000 businesses across the United States. For over 13 years, we’ve improved the effectiveness of automation to increase ROI across several industries.
DYL has a proven track record of turning a mediocre business into one that is going above and beyond. Want to find out what people have to say about DYL? Check out our Case Studies.
DYL helps your teams by automatically scheduling calls, texts, emails, and faxes to go out at every step of a customer’s journey. Gone are the days of sending texts or emails one by one. Instead, DYL makes sure there’s no human error and communication is seamless.
DYL’s automation let’s you spend less money on tasks, saving over 14 hours a week in sales or admin work. Our low estimate brings that to be about 700 hours a year. Imagine what you could do with all that time!
We would be happy to help. You can either send us an email at sales@dyl.com or call us at (855) 357 - 9249.